Buying & Selling
?1. How much does it cost to place an auction?
AResponding and selling for the greater part on Sxmmarket is free of charge. We do not charge extra costs to regular users. Contact us to advertise as a company (costs related).
?2. How do I place an auction?
AYou can place an auction by clicking on the "Post Auction" button in your user menu or via your account menu.
?3. How can I edit my auction?
AYou can edit your auction by clicking on the "Edit Auction" button on your auction page of account page.
?4. How often has my auction been viewed?
AYou can find the number of times viewed at your auction in the sidebar "views".
?5. I do not want bids. How do I do that?
AYou can turn off bids by setting "Allow Bidding" option to no when publishing or editing your ad.
?6. I received an e-mail saying that I received a new offer for my ad. Why is it that I do not see that bid on my auction page?
AThe bidder has withdrawn the bid. This is allowed within a period of 24 hours.
?7. I accidentally deleted my ad. Can i re-post it?
AThis is not possible. In some cases, there is a "re-post" button in your "Recently Closed Ads" section.
?8. How do I delete my bid?
AYou can remove your bid by pressing the "x"icon on the bid posted on the auction page.
?9. How long will my auction stay online?
AA free auction will stay for 30 days. You can renew your auction if you receive a notification via email to extend the auction.
?10. How long will it take for my auction to be visible?
AThis usually happens within 7 minutes. If your auction is not visible, view your "drafts" in "my account" and press the "publish" button if available.
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